How To Set Up A Powerful Income Goal For Your Internet Business In Nigeria BEFORE You Start

My System to NEVER going broke ever again series and in today’s lesson you will discover “How to Determine the Amount of Money you want to make from your Info-products ONLINE Business”.

Now after you have decided on the market you will go into with respect to your hobby or knowledge, the next thing you’re to do is to decide how much money you want to make from your business with the FIRST product.
Isn’t that just too wonderful?
I mean there is a business where you DECIDE how much you want to make ever BEFORE you go into it. Not many businesses are like that. The Information Business gives you that leverage. Now three things I want you to take note of here:
And in order to do this, you need to set two goals:
  1. Income Goal
  2. List Building Goal

Income Goal:

This will help you determine how much you want to make from a particular info-product before you create it. When you know this, it will then help you to set your list building goal. Assuming that you have a target to make N150,000 per month for a start from your Information Business, here is a breakdown of what you should target:
 Example #1 = N150,000 Income goal at N3,500 product
**If your product sells for N3,500, for a N150,000 per month income goal, you will divide N150,000 by N3,500 i.e
N3,500 = Cost of your product
N150,000 per month income goal = N150,000/N1,500 = 43 sales
**This means that you need to sell 43 copies of your product at N3,500 to make N150,000. 
 Example #2 = N150,000 Income goal at N5,500 product
 **If your product sells for N5,500,  for a N150,000 per month income goal, you will divide N150,000 by N5,500 i.e
N5,500 = Cost of your product
N50,000 per month income goal = N150,000/N5,500 = 28 sales
**This means that you need to sell 28 copies of your product at N5,500 to make N150,000.

Example #3 = N350,000 Income goal at N3,500 product
**If your product sells for N3,500,  for a N350,000 per month income goal, you will divide N350,000 by N3,500 i.e
N3,500 = Cost of your product
N350,000 per month income goal = N350,000/N3,500 = 100 sales
**This means that you need to sell 100 copies of your product at N3,500 to makeN350,000.  

Example #4 = N350,000 Income goal at N5,500
**If your product sells for N5,500,  for a N350,000 per month income goal, you will divide N350,000 by N5,500 i.e
N5,500 = Cost of your product
N350,000 per month income goal = N350,000/N5,500 = 64 sales
**This means that you need to sell 64 copies of your product at N5,500 to make N350,000. 
 Making Money Online Is A Game Of Numbers.

Now from the above examples, you can see how to break your monthly income goals to something you can achieve.  To me, the easiest income goal is selling information products for a newbie (YOU) is between N3,500 – N5,500.
Then you grow to be able to sell N10,000 products, N25,000 products, N150,000 products and above just like me.
The reason is it is the SAME effort you will put to sell a N5,500 product that you use to sell a N25,000 product from experience. But you’ve got to have the EXPERIENCE before you can charge that high.
Click Here, Here, Here and Here To See Me Selling Some of My Information products of between N9500-N30,00 on the internet so you know I am not just talking but actually DOING What I'm teaching You Unlike the Scammers Out There.
Have you seen it? That is why I recommend my Internet Business Training Video or Internet Business set up where we do 98% of the job for you and you only do just 2%.

So now you have discovered how to set your income goal for your internet business.
List Building Goals available in other article (The Bigger The List, the more the money)
Wish you all the best as you kick start your own online business.

Jackreece Oboms 

Born Internet Entrepreneur 



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