How To Create A Powerful Online Business Plan This Year

In order to make this year way better and far profitable than it was last year, I’ve some questions you need to ask yourself and WRITE down the answers. Come on now, take a pen and a sheet of paper and answer these right away:
1.  Did you come ANYWHERE close to hitting your goals last year?
I guess you wrote New Year resolutions for last year or at least there was something, some goals you were looking forward to hitting last year. Did you reach your goals?
If you DID, congratulations.
How can you BUILD on those things this year?
If you DIDN’T, how did you get off track?
What can keep you ON track?
Write down your answers
2. How much PLANNING did you put into last year? 
Did you REALLY plan it out?  Or did you go into it with a hastily done, vague idea of what you wanted to accomplish?  Then feel disappointed at the end of the year when that didn’t magically materialize?
3.  What WORKED in your finances last year? 
What things did you do in 2013 that got at least SOME income results?  Maybe a LOT of results? You should focus on WORKING, GROWING and EXPANDING on those things in 2014. Write them down.
4.  How did you just flat out WASTE time last year? 
Why were those things a bust? Now, the answer you give here should be considered.
For example, if someone told me, “I wasted money buying such and such a product,” my answer would be, “You wasted time trying to use such product in a certain WAY without adequate information”.
Buying a product that would bring you money is an asset, not a waste when done RIGHT.
5.  Did you PLAN your work and WORK your plan?
Or did you chase bright and shiny objects? It’s time for a bit of self-honesty. Did you have a plan to increase your income and work it?  Or did you just chase whatever sounded good or convincing in your email?
6.  Did you build your list or have a product to sell online?
If you didn’t, why not? If you did build a list, did you try EVERY MONTH? If you did, how profitable was it?  Did you put the RIGHT PEOPLE on your list (that is, buyers….)?  Or did you fill your list with non-buyers who only wanted a freebie and didn’t see real value in your offers?
Did you have a product to sell online or someone’s product (with permission – affiliate products)?
How many products did you sell? You DON’T make money without selling a product or a service.
7. What money skills did you acquire last year?
(a) Did you learn how to design a website, write a sales letter, build a list, write a book and turn it into an ebook, use facebook to expand your business etc?
The more money skills you have and USE, the more money you will make.
If you didn’t, what steps do you need to take to DO these? What new money skills do you want to acquire this year? By the time you are done answering these questions, you will have an outline of a profitable plan to make more money this year than you did last year.
(b) Did you have a mentor, someone who is doing better in your dream income desire whom you can run to at anytime to ask questions?
By run to, I don’t mean visit the person’s house or office but at least a way to reach the mentor with intelligent questions that would make you better make money?
If no, what steps would you take this year to develop such a relationship with a mentor?
Here are some FACTS about me (which you should copy):
Fact is…
- I grow and build my business ALL THE TIME
- I’m serious and committed to it…even through the hard work and tough times
- I don’t complain and give excuses
- I don’t look for the overnight “magic pill” or “make a million overnight” stuff.
- I would keep buying products this year that would develop my skills in order for me to build and keep expanding my solid internet business empire.
Most importantly, I know that I’m the ONLY one responsible, for either success or failure.
How about you?
When I hear complains and excuses from people, sometimes I want to shout…HEY!
“No one is responsible for your own success but yourself, stop looking for people to blame.”
That you tried and failed, or you were scammed online is NOT the end of the world and NOT enough to make you develop a negative mentality towards your internet business dream. Keep pushing, keep pressing, don’t give up, and don’t give in.
I only got to where I am by recognizing the above.
It took me awhile. We’re all human.
Start afresh for this year.
Take your future seriously, and in your own hands.
The fact is – if you’re even reading this article, you HAVE all the ability to become successful online…you just need to…
- Be responsible
- Have the courage to LEARN and WORK
- STOP looking for and giving excuses
- And take the right action
A REAL business is not built overnight.
It’s by having the right mindset, training, tools and what everyone hates – learning and taking action.
That’s all I want to say for now.
Hope you’ll heed my advice this year.
This is how to create a powerful profit online business plan for this year . It’s NEVER too early or late.
I remain your Friend and Coach 
Jackreece Oboms


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