How To Make Money Blogging Like Linda Ikeji

                                                                               Linda Ikeji
                                                                                    (Nigeria's No 1. Blogger)
Hello My Dear Subscribers,

It's Jackreece Oboms here and Today I shall be discussing with you how you can be making money as a blogger.

Most people in Nigeria want to make money online blogging and this post is dedicated to all Nigerians who keep asking  me how they can Make money online Blogging in Nigeria. It will focus on how To Make Money as a Blogger,the Mistake most newbies bloggers from Nigeria and the world over in general make and how to avoid them,how to receive the Money you make into your bank account without hustling for PayPal and some other important things you need to know concerning how to make Money as a blogger in Nigeria.

What Is A Blog?
A Blog is an Online Journal. It is best explained as a book which you can write. It is a means of communication between you ‘the Blogger’ and the audience to which your writing is dedicated to.

Who Is a Blogger?
Anyone who own or runs a blog is a blogger.In as much as you write articles on a blog or you own a blog ,then you are worthy of being called a blogger. So next time you see a blogger, don’t mistake him for a yahoo yahoo guy.


How Do People Make Money From Blogging?

I have answered this question over a thousand time this year,i receive phone calls and messages from Nigerians all asking me this exact question! How can they make Money Online Blogging In Nigeria?
Whether you are from Nigeria or any other part of the World,to make Money Online as a blogger,you have to SELL.

What Do People Sell On Their Blog?
While defining a blog the other time,i said its an online Journal where you can communicate To People and i just told you now that to Make Money as a Blogger you have To Sell. Bloggers from Nigeria and from the world over make Money Online Blogging by selling lots of things through different means,but most of them Sell are:

Ad Space 98 percent of bloggers in Nigeria and about 80 percent of bloggers all over the world make money online blogging by selling ads space on their blog,most of this advertisement,[ads for short ]are in form of banners while others might be text ads. As a Nigerian Blogger ,about 40 percent of the total money i make online blogging is from Advertisement. After writing articles that are generating views from readers,most bloggers sign up with ad parties,like Adsense,,infolinks etc,and once they get approved by the ad network they sign up for,advertisement will start showing on there blog. Most ad networks pay by the number of clicks the ads generate. The amount being paid per click varies from one ad networks to another and from one ads to another,but it is mostly between $0.10 to $1,which is about 20 naira to 170 naira when converted into Naira.So lets say you have a blog that is generating about 1,000 clicks daily,so, 1000 multiply 30 nairamultiply by 30 days,that is 90,000 naira monthly.Remeber,you can make more than that,it depends on the numbers of clicks your ads generate and the amount you are being paid per click.

Apart from selling adverts from ads networks,most professional bloggers in Nigeria also make money blogging by selling adverts from private advertisers. In this case,the private advertiser mails the blogger and inform him of his intention to run ads on his blog,after which they agree and negotiate on price. Such advertiser might be a small boy like me or giant companies like Mtn. The price for such advert depends on the amount of readers such a blog is generating,the type of ads,the numbers of days the ads will be runned,etc. I have seen companies that pay as high as 150,000 naira ( $1,000) to get their ads on a blog for just a week,so its very profitable unlike 3rd party ads.

Sell Education Materials: Apart from selling ads spaces,some Nigerian bloggers also make money online blogging by selling education Materials to their readers,such materials include,but not limited to ebooks, softwares, etc and the price varies between 1,000 naira ($6) and 10,000 naira ($60). So selling 100 copies of your education material at 10,000 naira per copy will make your a millionaire.
So that’s the Major two ways by which bloggers from Nigeria and the world over make Money Online ,but there is still some other way of making money blogging.

 If making money Money blogging is so easy,why don’t we have Many Millionaire blogger?

The main reason why most Nigerians don’t make money blogging is because they are too lazy and also did not want to Learn. While defining,a blog , I told you its a place where you write articles for people to read and then you use that medium to sell. But most bloggers do the opposite,they build a blog because they want to sell and not because they want to write articles.Though,there is nothing wrong in opening a blog because you want to make money online, but the protocol of writing articles must be followed. They write just one or two 200 words articles and fill their side bars with 3rd party ads,they then fold their hands and expect miracles to happen.

So if you are really serious on making money online by blogging in Nigeria,you must be ready to write powerful articles that will attract readers. One other reason why most Nigerian bloggers are not making money online is because they copy and paste articles from other blogs all time. Even though,its really not a crime to copy and paste from other blog once the normal ethics is followed,but having 25 out of the total number of post on your blog copied from other blogs won’t take you anywhere.

Reason Why You Should Start A Blog

1. You’ll become a better writer. At its core, writing is communication. It is about recording thoughts on paper and compelling others to agree with them. To that end, writing (just like every other form of communication that has ever existed) improves with practice. Blogging will not force you to become a better writer, it’ll just happen as you do it. And becoming a better writer holds important benefits for the rest of your life—whether you are creating a book, a presentation, a résumé, or an anniversary card for your spouse.

2. You’ll become a better thinker. Because the process of writing includes recording thoughts on paper, the blogging process encourages you to stop and think deeper. You will delve deeper into the matters of your life and the worldview that shapes them. Unfortunately, at this point, many will choose not to blog (or write at all) based on the faulty reasoning that they “have nothing to say.” But to that line of thinking I always respond the same way, maybe you just haven’t discovered yet what you have to say.

3. You’ll live a more intentional life. Once you start writing about your life and the thoughts that shape it, you’ll begin thinking more intentionally about who you are, who you are becoming, and whether you like what you see or not. And that just may be reason enough to get started.

4. You’ll develop an eye for meaningful things. By necessity, blogging requires a filter. It’s simply not possible to write about every event, every thought, and every happening in your life. Instead, blogging is a never-ending process of choosing to articulate the most meaningful events and the most important thoughts. This process of choice helps you develop an eye for meaningful things. And remember that sometimes the most meaningful things appear in the most mundane—but you’ll see what I mean once you get started.

5. It’ll lead to healthier life habits. Blogging requires time, devotion, commitment, and discipline. And just to be clear, those are all good things to embrace – they will help you get the most out of your days and life. Since beginning to blog, I have become an early riser, a runner, and can now properly identify my favorite drink at Starbuck’s (Caramel Macchiato). And even if those three habits don’t personally appeal to you, blogging will provide opportunity for new life habits to emerge in yours.

6. You’ll meet new people. Whether it be through comments, e-mails, or social media, you may be surprised at how quickly you meet people on-line. And by meet people, I mean legitimately form relationships that seek to serve one another. The blogging community is friendly, encouraging, and genuinely cheering for you to succeed—the only thing missing is you.

7. You’ll make some money. You don’t need to make money to enjoy blogging. In fact, sometimes making money from your blog can actually start to distract you from the joy that you found in the first place. That being said, whether you make N5,000/year or N5,000,000/year, it’s still pretty nice to have a hobby that actually pays you back.

8. You’ll inspire others. Blogging not only changes your life, it also changes the life of the reader. And because blogs are free for the audience and open to the public, on many levels, it is an act of giving. It is a selfless act of service to invest your time, energy, and worldview into a piece of writing and then offer it free to anybody who wants to read it. Others will find inspiration in your writing… and that’s a wonderful feeling.

9. You’ll become more well-rounded in your mindset. After all, blogging is an exercise in give-and-take. One of the greatest differences between blogging and traditional publishing is the opportunity for readers to offer input. As the blog’s writer, you introduce a topic that you feel is significant and meaningful. You take time to lay out a subject in the minds of your readers and offer your thoughts on the topic. Then, the readers get to respond. And often times, their responses in the comment section challenge us to take a new, fresh look at the very topic we thought was so important in the first place.

10. It’s free. Your blog can begin today without spending a single penny now (or ever). 

11. You’ll become more comfortable being known. Blogging introduces yourself to the world. It causes you to articulate the life you live and the worldview behind the decisions that you make. Whether you have 1 reader or 10,000, the blogging process opens up your life to those on the outside. It is a good exercise in human-existence to be known by others. Over time, you’ll reveal more and more of yourself to the outside world… and you’ll be excited to find a world that relates to you and enjoys hearing your story.

12. It’ll serve as a personal journal. Blogging serves many of the same roles as a personal journey. It trains us to be observant and gives weight to the personal growth that we are experiencing. It trains our minds to track life and articulate the changes we are experiencing. Your blog becomes a digital record of your life that is saved “in the cloud.” As a result, it can never be lost, stolen, or destroyed in a fire.

13. You’ll become more confident. Blogging will help you discover more confidence in your life. You will quickly realize that you do live an important life with a unique view and have something to offer others.

14. You’ll find a platform to recommend. We all love to recommend something we have found enjoyable or beneficial—whether it be a nice restaurant, a good book, or a new outlook on life. The fullness of joy is not experienced until we have shared that joy with others. A blog provides an opportunity to do that very thing. It provides a platform to share the joy we have experienced and recommend good things we have discovered to others.

15. It’s quite a rush with every positive comment. There’s a certain little rush that accompanies the immediate positive feedback that you receive every time a reader posts a comment, shares your writing on Facebook, or tweets it out to their Twitter followers. While walking the fine line between finding encouragement in that feedback and obsessing over it may take some time to get used to, it’s far better to find that line than to never seek it out in the first place.
Blogging Platforms:

The Two Platforms used for setting up a blog are

1. Wordpress   get it at
2. Blogger         get it at

Both of them are cool but definitely have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Wordpress Includes:

A. Easy to operate.
B. Cheaper to build
C. The highest number of developers creating themes and plugins for it.
D. Wordpress is a popular Platform
E. Search engine Optimization is made simple.

The Downside Of Wordpress Includes

A. Wordpress updates their software frequently
B. Content doesn't always look right.
C. Customization of a theme can be costly.

The advantages of building on a WordPress platform far outweigh the disadvantages.
 You can use Blogger for your Blogging business here in Nigeria. Linda uses Blogger.

Advantages of Blogger Include:

A. Blogger is free with better web exposure.
B. Easy interface for the newbie
C. Monetize your blog site with google Ads
D. Create your own Blogger sub domain.
E. Post content without the fuse.

The Disadvantages of using Blogger include:

A. Blogger owns your blog site
B. Blogger lacks Plugins
C. Limited template for your blog site.

If you are starting out with blogging, I suggest the first thing you should do while creating your content is to expose your blog for people to see.

People need to know that you have a blog and this is where you need to advertise your blog especially at the early stages. This is meant to get good traffic/readers to your blog.

Your blog must have great content and should be one that should dwell on a particular niche. If you go into blogging , you can choose to blog on entertainment, health, personal life, news, food, wedding/events, sports and so on.

Blogging is really fun but requires time. In essence, you must love blogging before you venture into it. Do it like fun and the cash will eventually roll in soon.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Your Internet Business Coach,

Jackreece Oboms



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