How to create exposure for your fiverr gigs and consequently make sales.
I consistently get questions in my emails, Facebook, Phone Message and on Skype from my friends & subscribers that they have gigs but they are unable yet to make good money. They have applied everything they know but unable to make their gigs popular on Fiverr. Ok I need to answer it, so make sure you read each word below to understand it fully. Each Gig on Fiverr has a hidden Gig rank (a number calculated by Fiverr software) which helps Fiverr Search Engine to show your gig listing in Fiverr Market place. That's means just like Google use a formula to rank websites on front page, Fiverr also uses same sorts of formula to show your gigs on Front page of your gig category. Ranking on Fiverr has nothing to do with backlinks just like you need for Google. However that doesn't mean Five...